100 Cache Valley Women Who Care is a group of local women who are interested in supporting our community by contributing to charities together as a group to increase the impact.
We come from all walks of life and varying financial backgrounds. As individuals it is difficult to make a very large impact, but as a group we believe we have the ability to contribute to the growth of our community in ways that we never before thought possible.
Our mission is to reach out and help others by finding at least 100 women to commit to our group. Commitment involves attending four, one-hour meetings a year, and pledging $100 per meeting ($400.00 per year) to support a selected charity. All charitable organizations must have 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
Our goal is to each contribute a little so we can all contribute a lot to help those in need.

At each meeting, an opportunity is provided for three non-profits to present a five minute description of their organization, after which members vote on the charity they wish to support. The winner is announced, and each member writes their $100 check directly to the winning charity. The checks are collected and forwarded to the charity as one donation. This allows the charity to feel the huge impact that 100 Cache Valley Women Who Care can make… together. At the following meeting, the winning organization tells us how the money was used, and what impact it had on the community and the charity.
How much more powerful can 100 women be? Together, we can significantly impact the lives of those around us.
If you are interested in joining 100 Cache Valley Women Who Care, click HERE to register by completing the Member Commitment Form.

Organizations we have donated to thus far:
English Language Center $2,000
Sub for Santa $2,900
Bear River Senior Companion Program $4,750
Bear River Head Start $5,200
Cache Daughters of Utah Pioneers $4,250
World Joy $3,750
Angelman Syndrome Foundation of Utah $6,150
English Language Center $5000
Seee Me $5300
Common Ground $4100
Total Donations as of Today:
Alone we can do a little. Together we a do a LOT. Thank you for joining us in our efforts!
Need more information? Feel free to fill out the contact form and we will be in touch shortly! We are working around the clock to make great things happen and hope you'll join in the fun!
